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Consultation Opens on LDP Assessment Documents

19th March 2025

Further to the receipt of the formal Direction from DfI, instructing the Council to proceed to Adopt the LDP Plan Strategy for this District as soon as reasonably practicable, the Council has now prepared the following appraisal documents which are hereby published for public consultation:

Expressions of opinion or comments are invited on the four above-named documents; they must be received no later than 10th April 2025.

How to View Documents and Submit Comments

Copies of the above documents, as well as the DfI Direction and the PAC Report, are available for inspection online at this webpage. Copies of the documents are also available for inspection during normal office opening hours, strictly by appointment only, from 20th March 2025 at the Council’s two main offices at 98 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7NN and 47 Derry Road, Strabane, Co. Tyrone, BT82 8DY.

If you do require to inspect the documents in hard copy, please write to us or submit an email to the [email protected]  or telephone the LDP Team during normal office hours on 028 71 253253. Arrangements will be made for an appointment, or alternative arrangements made.

Comments on the four above-named documents can be submitted in writing by either:

  • Emailing to: [email protected], or
  • Posting to: Local Development Plan, Derry City & Strabane District Council, 98 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7NN

The consultation period will close on 10th April 2025. Comments received after this date will not be considered.



DfI Direction Order is received requiring Adoption of LDP Plan Strategy

6th January 2025 (Updated March 7th 2025)

A number of minor errors were subsequently identified and therefore DfI has issued an updated Direction cover letter and updated versions of Schedule 2 Annexes 2, 4, 5 and 6. These are set out below:

DfI Regional Planning has now issued the formal Direction documents to the Council, on 17th December 2024.

The PAC, and then DfI Regional Planning, have found the LDP dPS to be ‘SOUND’ i.e. subject to the PAC Recommended Amendments and then the DfI Modifications. The DfI Direction Order to the Council, includes 113 Modifications in Schedule 2, as well as the other amendments / changes set out over Schedules 1A, 1B and 3. DfI has directed the Council to proceed to Adopt the LDP Plan, with Modifications as soon as reasonably practicable, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and guidance.

The Council’s Planning Committee will consider the Direction documents at its meeting on 8th January (2pm, live here) and the Direction documents will be formally ‘published’ on the Council’s LDP webpage on 9th January here:

Download all (.ZIP)

The Adoption of the LDP Plan Strategy is now anticipated in April – May 2025, following the pre-adoption tasks – which include: Addendum Reports to the Sustainability Appraisal (including SEA), Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) and Rural Needs Impact Assessment (RNIA), as well as a final Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). There will also be a series of Supplementary Planning (SPG) documents and significant ‘capacity building’ exercises will be undertaken in order to ensure readiness for the immediate implementation of the LDP Plan Strategy. This will require a programme of familiarisation / training sessions for Planning officers, key consultees and Members, as well as for Planning agents.

Please note that the policies in the LDP Plan Strategy will commence to be applied, to a given weight, now that this Direction has been received, considered and published. This timing / weight will be in accordance with legislation, strategic Planning policy and case law. Full implementation of the LDP PS will apply immediately upon its Adoption and the existing Planning Policy Statements and strategic policy elements of the Area Plans will no longer be material, even for planning applications that are already in the system (SPPS para 1.11: Transitional Arrangements).

The Council’s Planning LDP team is currently doing the work tasks required for the Adoption and commencement of implementation of the LDP Plan Strategy, as well as the preparatory work on the LDP Local Policies Plan (LPP). The Local Policies Plan is required to be ‘consistent’ with the adopted LDP Plan Strategy. The Council’s overall Timetable (subject to review) for producing the LDP can be viewed on this LDP webpage below.


LDP Independent Examination (IE) Report has been forwarded by PAC to DfI

15th May 2024

The Planning Appeals Commission (PAC) has now completed its Report into the Independent Examination (IE) of the Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP) draft Plan Strategy. The PAC forwarded the Report on 10th May 2024 to the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) Strategic Planning team. DfI will then consider the PAC Report and will issue a binding Direction to the Council. Subject to the content of that Direction and required Modifications, the Council anticipates Adoption of the LDP Plan Strategy by the end of 2024 or early 2025.

The Council’s Planning LDP team is currently doing the initial work tasks required for the Adoption and simultaneous commencement of implementation of the LDP Plan Strategy, as well as the preparatory work on the LDP Local Policies Plan (LPP). The Local Policies Plan is required to be ‘consistent’ with the adopted LDP Plan Strategy. The Council’s overall Timetable for producing the LDP can be viewed on this LDP webpage here



On 1st April 2015, Planning powers transferred from the Department of the Environment (DOE) to the Derry City and Strabane District Council. 

The Council now also has powers of Local Development Plan (LDP), Development Management and Enforcement which it will implement in cases where planning laws have been breached.

The LDP Team, together with senior Council officers and the elected Members of the Council (Planning Committee), are responsible for producing the LDP for our District.


The purpose of the Derry City and Strabane District LDP, is to inform the general public, statutory authorities, developers and other interested bodies of the policy framework and land use proposals that will implement the strategic objectives of the Regional Development Strategy and guide development decisions within Derry City and Strabane District up to 2032.

Our new LDP will be prepared within the context of the Council’s Corporate Plan and will co-ordinate with the Community Planning process to enable us to plan positively for the future of our District. It will ensure that lands are appropriately zoned and that our infrastructure is enhanced to develop the District for future generations.

The LDP must also take account of the regional policy context set by the Northern Ireland Executive and Central Government Departments. This includes, amongst others, the Sustainable Development Strategy, Regional Development Strategy and the Strategic Planning Policy Statement - published in September 2015.

The LDP will comprise two separate documents that will shape development within our District over the period to 2032   

  1. The Plan Strategy

  2. The Local Policies Plan


The LDP Timetable has been formally revised, advertised and published in July 2023. The Timetable sets out Derry City and Strabane District Council's programme for the production of its Local Development Plan (LDP 2032) and includes details of the key stages in the process.

This Revised LDP Timetable was approved by the Council and DfI; it anticipates holding the Independent Examination (IE) of the LDP draft Plan Strategy during September and October 2023.

View the Local Development Plan (LDP) Timetable Revision 2023

The LDP will, on adoption of both its component plan documents, replace the Strabane Area Plan  2001 and the Derry Area Plan 2011 and the suite of Planning Policy Statements (PPS’s) that were produced by the Department of the Environment.

See current NI Planning Policy Statements:

See current NI Planning Guidance documents:

See Strategic Planning Policy Statement for NI (SPPS):

See Regional Development Strategy for NI (RDS 2035):

See current NI Planning Legislation:



Until such times as the LDP is adopted, the relevant Area Plans currently applicable to our District are the Derry Area Plan 2011, adopted in May 2000 and the Strabane Area Plan 2001, adopted in April 1991.

Click on the following link to view an online version of the Derry Area Plan and its associated documents.  

Click on the following link to view an online version of the Derry Area Plan 2011, Designated Flat Zone Map – FL1.

Click on the following pdf to view an online version of the Strabane Area Plan.


The Council monitors the amount of housing land and number of units built together with the amount of economic land across the District as well as various environmental indicators. The annual Housing Monitor tracks the progress of housing completions across the District and provides the basis for informing how and where best to distribute housing across the settlement hierarchy. 

Housing Monitor sites are those which are identified as potentially suitable for residential development in prevailing development plans through zonings and any other urban sites that have been granted planning permission for residential development. Therefore, the Housing Monitor only relates to sites on zoned Housing land and planning approvals and is only within the respective settlement limits. 

The Council’s ongoing monitoring will contribute towards the legislative obligations to prepare an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) which must contain information on the extent to which the objectives of the LDP are being achieved.  

The purpose of the Housing Monitor is to:

  • Monitor the course of housing development in settlements with regard to the Regional Development Strategy (RDS);

  • Monitor progress of housing developments in settlements in accordance with the provisions of prevailing Development Plans;

  • Inform the preparation of our new LDP with regard to the allocation of land for housing; and 

  • Provide information on the available potential for further housing development in settlements. 

A copy of the Council's Housing Monitor for the 2022-2023 period can be accessed below:

A copy of the Council's Housing Monitor for the 2021-2022 period can be accessed below: 

A copy of the Council's Housing Monitor for the 2019-2021 period can be accessed below: 

A copy of the Council’s Housing Monitor for the 2018 – 19 period can be accessed below.

A copy of the Council’s Housing Monitor for the 2014- 17 period can be accessed below.


Please note that the NILUD database was set up for the former Derry City and Strabane District Councils – so the earlier reports are still presented on this basis. 

Data contained in these Monitors is derived from planning permissions and from Building Control completions data through Land and Property Services (LPS).  

Derry City & Strabane District Council provides no warranty in relation to the accuracy for the information contained within these Monitors. Any person placing reliance on this data does so at their own risk.


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