Next Steps – From LDP draft Plan Strategy Onwards
This LDP draft Plan Strategy (dPS) is a consultation document, to which representations can be made for the formal consultation period. The PS document is widely available, together with the associated documents. Public Meetings were held throughout the District during December 2019 and January 2020, with the consultation period closing on 27th January. In March and April 2020, a period of consultation for Counter-Representations was commenced, but this was cancelled due to the Coronavirus restrictions. Due to a procedural error with the original consultation for Representations, the Council undertook a period of re-consultation on the LDP draft Plan Strategy (dPS), for a period of 8 weeks from 11th September to 6th November 2020.
Following the above consultation, the Council sorted the Representations, published them and held a further 8-week consultation for Counter-Representations from 27th November 2020 to 22nd January 2021. Following detailed consideration of the Representations received, a Schedule of Proposed Changes was subject to a formal 8-week public consultation from 9th December 2021 to 3rd February 2022. The draft Plan Strategy and supporting documents were then finalised and submitted to the Department for Infrastructure on 20th May 2022. DfI then assessed the dPS documents and then requested an Independent Examination to be held (IE) by the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC). The IE was held in September / October 2023 and an IE Report issued to DfI in May 2024. If it is considered to be ‘sound’, the Council will amend as appropriate and Adopt the LDP Plan Strategy (PS).
The Council will then prepare the LDP Local Policies Plan (LPP), going through a similar process in accordance with the published LDP Timetable, which can be viewed here. Hence, the Council’s LDP will be completed, for implementation / delivery (with subsequent Monitoring and Review) to help the Council to make Derry City and Strabane District a thriving, prosperous and sustainable area – Planning for balanced and appropriate high-quality development, whilst protecting our environment, and also promoting well-being with equality of opportunity for all.