The Netownstewart Town Centre Regeneration Framework has now commenced. Thank you to all attendees for your input and views. We will be in touch in due course.
Members of the public are being invited to give their views on the future regeneration of Newtonstewart as part of the preparation of a Town Centre Regeneration Framework being developed by Derry City and Strabane District Council.
The public engagement and information workshop will now take place in Thursday 16th February 2023 in order to gather the views of local stakeholders. There will be two workshops on Thursday 16th February, one will be held in the Newtownstewart 2000 Centre from 2pm -4pm on the 16th and the other in the Mellon Country Inn 7pm-9pm on the 16th February.
Registration to wither events is required at
**Please note that there is a maximum number of 30 attendees at the Newtownstewart 2000 Centre workshop due to the room size. Interested parties are advised that a similar session will take place on the same day from 7pm to 9pm at the Mellon County Inn.**
Council Officers advised that public engagement is a key element of the preparation of the proposed regeneration framework in terms of hearing the views town centre stakeholders in terms of the current challenges and how they would like to see the town centre develop over the short, medium and long term.
The Regeneration Framework will be a focused document setting out the regeneration vision and objectives for the town centre including opportunities, key challenges, and a series of proposed actions over the short, medium and long term. Whilst not exhaustive, the Framework will cover themes such as traffic management, parking, pedestrian/cycle infrastructure & connectivity, streetscape/public realm, built heritage, green infrastructure, business development, tourism etc.
Delivery of any actions emerging from the Framework when completed, will be the responsibility of a variety of stakeholders and will be subject to securing the requisite budgets.
The public engagement workshop will take place in the in 2 different locations and time on Thursday 16th February.
The first workshop will be on Thursday 16th February, Newtownstewart 2000 Centre from 2-4pm and the other in the Mellon Country Inn at a later time of 7pm to 9pm on the 16th February.
Admission to the workshops is by registration in advance using the following links:
1. Newtownstewart 2000 Centre 2pm to 4pm:
2. Mellon Country Inn 7pm to 9pm:
It is recommended to register your attendance so as to confirm admission. In the event of over-subscription, Council reserves the right to cap numbers for this workshop, and to schedule and organise an additional event on another date if applicable.