Latest News
Next Planning Committee meeting 2nd April 2025 at 2pm in the Guildhall
The Agenda and papers for the above meeting are now available to view on the Council website here
Planning Applications
Some staff are working from home and in the office as a hybrid arrangement and continue to provide a full range of functions to ensure service delivery. Officer site visits and Planning Committee Member site visits continue for all cases. External meetings are considered as required and we also engage fully with customers through virtual meetings, written communication and phone calls. With the launch of the new regional Planning Portal system on 5th December 2022, all planning applications should now be submitted online and we can issue Decision Notices electronically. This new paperless system makes the planning process more accessible for all customers to submit applications as well as search, track and comment on all applications received. You will find further information about the new Planning Portal
Many local planning applications received are delegated whereby decisions will be taken by appointed planning officers. Other planning applications, including major development, will be referred to the Council’s Planning Committee for determination at which stage all interested parties, including objectors and supporters, can participate in the process. Further information regarding Planning Committee procedures is outlined below and you can contact our office if you wish to speak to a member of the Planning Department at any stage of the process by email to: [email protected], in writing to the Planning Department, DCSDC, 98 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7NN or by contacting our office at π028 71 253253.
Planning Committee Meetings
Next Planning Committee meeting 2nd April 2025 at 2pm in the Guildhall
Committee Meetings are held as hybrid meetings for Elected Members with Senior Officers in attendance and are held in Council Chambers at Derry Road, Strabane and at the Guildhall in Derry, alternating monthly. Planning Committee Meetings are open to members of the public and arrangements are made to facilitate registered external speakers to join the meeting remotely via Webex or in person in the Council Chambers.
If you wish to request Speaking Rights at any Planning Committee Meeting, please register your request in writing by 12 noon two working days prior to the meeting. You can do so by email to: [email protected], in writing to the Planning Department, DCSDC, 98 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7NN or by contacting our office at π028 71 253253. You will find full details regarding role and operation of Planning Committees in our ‘Protocol for the Operation of Planning Committee’ . Committee Meetings are also livestreamed and proceedings can be viewed via the Council's YouTube Channel.
The scheduled list of applications for discussion at forthcoming Planning Committees are published on this website at: one week prior to each Committee Meeting.
The Planning Enforcement Service
The Enforcement Service continues to progress and deal with complaints in line with Council's Enforcement Strategy.
Local Development Plan (LDP)
Following its Independent Examination (IE) of the Council’s LDP draft Plan Strategy in September and October 2023, the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC) completed its IE Report and forwarded it on 10th May 2024 to the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) Regional Planning team. DfI has considered the PAC Report and has issued a binding Direction to the Council, on 17th December 2024. The Council Members and Officers are now considering that Direction, which was for the Council to proceed to Adopt the Plan Strategy, subject to Modifications, as soon as practicable. The Council anticipates Adoption of the LDP Plan Strategy by April to May 2025.
The LDP PS Direction documents can be viewed here. The details of the IE, including its Examination Library and Matters Arising, can be viewed on the PAC website here. All LDP Submission documents can be viewed here. They are also available for inspection during normal office opening hours, by appointment only, at the Council's two main offices in Derry and Strabane.
The Council’s Planning LDP team is currently doing the initial work tasks required for the Adoption and commencement of implementation of the LDP Plan Strategy, as well as the preparatory work on the LDP Local Policies Plan (LPP). The Local Policies Plan is required to be ‘consistent’ with the adopted LDP Plan Strategy. The Council’s overall Timetable (subject to review) for producing the LDP can be viewed on this LDP webpage here.
New Regional Planning IT System
The new regional Planning IT System was launched on Monday 5th December 2022 and is operational across 10 Councils. This has replaced the previous NI Planning Portal and provides a modern streamlined service and is more accessible for customers to engage with the planning process, offering online ability to submit planning applications, review and track ongoing applications, make comments and report breaches of planning control. Since the launch of the new system, 71% of all planning applications we have received were submitted online and we are keen to encourage and support customers to increase this further. You will be able to find full information in the following DfI link: New Planning Portal | Department for Infrastructure (
We are also issuing electronic Decision Notices which will improve service provision and efficiency for our customers.
We are aware that there have been a number of initial challenges and problems identified by users of the new system and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. However, many of these have been addressed and efforts to resolve any outstanding issues are ongoing. Please find below some useful advice and update on some of the main issues identified:
Problems updating an online application once submitted – there are plans for a system fix to enable amendments to be made to online planning applications after they have been submitted (e.g. amended drawings). However, this will be a wider update across the UK and will take place later in 2023. In the meantime, customers can submit amended plans/drawings and further details to our office by post (DCSDC, 98 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7NN) or by email ([email protected]). On receipt these will be uploaded and made available on our system by our officers.
Mapping function – the new system offers improved mapping features and some issues raised about searching functionality are currently being addressed and should be resolved by end of June 2023. Customers may also find the following demonstrations provide helpful advice: Demo video - Start a new application online(external link opens in a new window / tab) and Public Register - application search(external link opens in a new window / tab)
Dates for representations – during data transfer to the new system, the date of all representations prior to 5th December 2022 defaulted to 26th November 2022. Further investigation is ongoing to address this issue.
Missing files / data – a software update will also address the issue of accessing documents for Outline Planning Applications and requests from customers to view information they cannot find on the system, can be directed to our Planning Office at 02871 253253.
Payment functionality – customers who submit online applications will make immediate payment by debit/credit card or bank transfer at the time of submitting an application. Cheques and cash payments will also remain available for any customers who submit paper application forms.
Further frequently asked questions are also available at: and there are a number of links to assist customers in the various functions of the new system below:
- Planning Portal User Guide - registration and create an application
- Planning Portal User Guide - Public Register
- Submit a planning application
- Search, track or comment on an application
- Make an enforcement complaint
- Request a Regional Property Certificate
- Respond to consultations
We hope you will find the new Portal System makes your engagement with our planning processes much more efficient and if you have any further queries or continue to experience any difficulties with the new Planning Portal, you can contact our Planning Department at: [email protected] or by telephoning our office at 02871 253253.
Portal Links
Tree Preservation Orders
- Find out more about TPOs here
- Criteria for making an order are here.
- List of Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Tree Preservation Orders
Conservation Areas
There are 5 Conservation Areas within our District. Find out more out about them below:
- Magee Conservation Area (designated June 2006).
- Clarendon Street Conservation Area (designated February 1978, boundary extended 2006).
- Historic City Conservation Area (designated February 1977, boundary extended and re-designated 2006).
- Conservation Area Guides- Derry/Londonderry
- Sion Mills Conservation Area (designated March 1977)
- Conservation Area Guides- Sion Mills
- Newtownstewart Conservation Area (designated April 1993)
- Conservation Area Guides- Newtownstewart
Development Management
For planning information, application forms, planning fees and planning applications please visit the planning portal: http: //
βMaking Represenations on Applications
if you would like to attend the Planning committee to exercise your speaking rights and make representation on a particular application please contact: