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Guide to Services for 50+

The Guide to Services for 50+ within Derry City and Strabane District Council has been developed to direct you to sources of help and support

that you may find useful.  The creation of the Guide has been facilitated by Derry City and Strabane District Council, with the support of the Council’s Age Friendly Alliance, Over 50’s Reference Panel and also the Age Friendly Co-Design Steering Group as part of the Age Friendly plans within the council area.

The Age Friendly Alliance is a partnership between lots of organisations working together in partnership to help make this area more Age Friendly as part of the

areas commitment through the World Health Organisation’s Age Friendly Cities and Communities framework being implemented locally.

It is important for all citizens within Derry City and Strabane District Council area to feel valued and respected, regardless of their age. To understand what people regard

as important, a number of consultations and engagement opportunities and surveys identified that many people experience difficulties in accessing help and information

at certain times. This is particularly true for people who can’t or are not confident accessing the internet and need to reach out for help and guidance for support

or services. To help with this, we have produced this guide containing useful information on how to access important services and where to go for help when you have a

specific problem or issue you need to address. This includes specific help for older people, access to health services and details of where to help people connect and

reconnect locally. Also included is some useful information on how to keep safe in your home and how to avoid being the victim of a scam and information to help

enable people to be supported throughout life’s journey, so they continue to be respected, involved, independent fulfilled and treasured in later life.

Please click on the below link to download the guide to services for 50+



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