Council Business
In this section you can access a wide range of information and documents relating to the Council’s decision making processes, meetings and your elected members.
Your Elected Representatives
Find out information on your elected representatives, the areas that they represent and their contact details
Meetings, Agenda and Minutes
From this page you can view the agenda, reports and minutes for Council, and committee meetings. You can find documents either by searching by keywords or by browsing through committees. The menu on the right hand side can be used to navigate to the various types of information available.
If you need further information about the work of the Council and its committees contact Democratic Services :
Telephone (028) 71 253 253 Ext 6757
Email - [email protected]
Calendar of Meetings
Find out when and where meetings are taking place.
Information on the work of committees.
Outside Bodies
Find out what outside of bodies have Council representation.
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Becoming a Councillor
The role of a Councillor is both a rewarding and a demanding role. Councillors hold the privileged position of representing the needs and concerns of the local community.
More information on becoming a Councillor >
Download the App
Download the app to allow you to have committee agendas and meetings pushed to your iPad or Android tablet:
• Apple
• Android
• Other platforms are to follow soon
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