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Deputy Mayor Alderman Darren Guy acceptance speech

AGM Monday, 03 June 2024

Mayor, Officers, Aldermen and Councillors,

I would like to congratulate our new Mayor on becoming First Citizen. I have no doubt that Lilian will perform her duties to the best of her abilities in her own vibrant way.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our outgoing Mayor. Patricia has carried out her role diligently and I hope that she will have a break with her family to recharge her batteries before coming back into the fold. Congratulations to the outgoing Deputy Mayor, Jason has been incredibly supportive of the Mayor, and has done an excellent job for not just Strabane, but the entire City and District.

I am honoured to accept the role of Deputy Mayor of our city and district.

I would like to thank my Ulster Unionist colleagues and our branch members for selecting me for the role of Deputy Mayor, of course it would be remiss of me not to mention that in becoming Deputy Mayor I continue to follow in my Father’s footsteps, who himself was Deputy Mayor three times and the only person to hold the role of Mayor of our city twice, I think this could be the first time there has been a father / son to hold the office of Deputy Mayor to which this makes me extremely proud, as I know it is for my Mother and my sisters.

I will take this opportunity to thank my wife, Julie, and my two daughters Cameron and Georgia for all the support they have given me since I was first elected to Council in 2019. It is often said that it is the partners that keep us all right in this job and I am sure all members would agree with that statement, although, when we are out at meetings, there is no doubt, they enjoy the hours of endless peace and quiet too!

I would like to thank the electorate in the Waterside DEA who without their support I would not be in this privileged position, and I am privileged to work for each and every one of them.

Regrettably, there will be no Unionist Mayor of our city and district during this 4-year term.  There is no question that the D’hondt system is the best form of designating roles and committees in this council. However, where this council excelled, was in its ability for all members, from across the political spectrum, to have the ability to reach agreement, maybe not on everything, but to work to an agreed accommodation. Sadly, because of one parties' decision in this mandate we will not see a Unionist Mayor, which is extremely disappointing and disingenuous to the Unionist electorate of our city and district.

I believe that our city’s strength lies in its diversity and the collective efforts of its residents. I am aware of the challenges that lie ahead, but I am confident that through transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration we can overcome them.

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