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Screening Report 2019-2020

Name of Policy 

Brief Description 


Policy Documents

Green Infrastructure Plan 


The four key aims of the GI Plan are:

  • Increase awareness, appreciation and use of GI;
  • Integrate GI principles into policy and decision making;  
  • Protect, improve and increase GI through good design, planning and asset management; and
  • Deliver GI's full potential for people and place, developing economic prosperity, biodiversity and responding to climate change.

‘Screened Out’ - Council has deemed that the GI Plan will have no adverse equality impacts for any of the Section 75 groups as no issues were highlighted during the consultation other than concerns regarding accessibility.     All access issues will be addressed as a matter of course during the implementation of this plan.



Risk Management Strategy

The main objectives of the Risk Management Strategy are to:


  1. Provide a framework that enables Derry City & Strabane District Council to achieve its strategic objectives in a consistent and controlled environment;  


  1. Improve decision making, planning and prioritisation of activities, and enhance the understanding of opportunities and threats; 


  1. Safeguard the Council’s assets – people, financial, property and information; and


d) Create an environment where all staff assume responsibility for risk management.



Council has deemed that the Risk Management Policy will have no adverse equality or rural impacts for any of the Section 75 groups.


This is a technical policy which contains Council's commitment to comply with The Local Government (Accounts and Audit) (Amendment) Regulations

(Northern Ireland) 2006.  This legislation requires all local government bodies to have a sound system of internal control which includes arrangements for the management of risk. 




Sponsorship, Advertising and Promotions Policy for Leisure and Sports facilities

The aims of the policy are as follows:


• To create a unified approach to advertising, sponsorship and promotions across all leisure and sport sites

• Uphold the Council’s reputation

• Establish a corporate approach and standards (including best practice)

• Regulate Third Party Advertising: Provide a framework and control measures

• Identify advertising and sponsorship opportunities across the Council’s assets including, but not limited to, services, publications and events.

• Avoid any Council association with disreputable organisations 

• Allows council to regulate sponsorship at Leisure and Sport facilities

• Ensure compliance with Advertising Standards and other agencies.








Screened Out - There is no requirement to subject this policy to an Equality Impact Assessment as this policy relates to income generation using advertising rather than a change in service or a new service and its recommendation has no potential to negatively impact on protected characteristics.




Street Trading Policy

This policy aims to provide a framework for the processing of street trading applications, including the procedures to be followed when determining applications.


The policy has been designed to increase consistency and transparency in decision making process; assist in ensuring that applications are dealt with as quickly and fairly as possible; provide clarity and transparency in Council’s decision making process and give prospective applicants an early indication as to whether their application is likely to be granted or not; ensure that Council meets its legal obligations under the act and the Provision of Services Regulations 2009.

Screened Out - Every decision will be made on a case by case basis and when considering applications Licensing Officers will assess all relevant positive and negative impacts of allowing street trading to take place and take all factors into account. Licensing officers will ensure unencumbered access for all (pedestrians, wheelchair users or people with pushchairs) when discussing licensing agreements.




Policy for the purchase of supplies and/or services, or using a panel of contractors

To provide a standard and compliant format when purchasing supplies and / or services, or using Panel of Contractors.

Screened Out - This policy will be applied to all S75 categories universally and to all who submit tenders whether they are in urban or rural areas - Council have ensured that the consideration of equality and rural issues is fully integrated into the procurement decision making process.

When completing the qualification questionnaire bidders must confirm compliance with all applicable fair employment, equality of treatment and anti-discrimination legislation and shall use their best endeavours to ensure that their employment policies and practices and delivery of the services required of them under the agreement have due regard to the need to promote equality of treatment and opportunity



Menopause Policy

To make managers aware of the organisational responsibility to understand the menopause and related issues and how they can affect all staff, their partners, families and work colleagues.  To raise wider awareness and understanding among employees and to outline support and adjustments that are available.

To ensure individuals are treated fairly and with dignity and respect in their working environment and ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the workforce.

Screened Out - The principles and values of the policy are grounded in the promotion of fair and equal treatment. The policy will ensure that managers have sufficient information/support to enable them to apply the provisions of the policy fairly and equally to all affected staff regardless of their S75 grouping or whether they live in rural or urban areas.



Asset Illumination Policy ​

The aim of the policy is to assist in promoting Council events and social campaigns by illuminating designated Council assets ​

 Screened Out” -  It is considered that the proposal to light up the Council Offices to promote Council events and social campaigns would have no direct impact on the promotion of equality of opportunity in terms of access to services and facilities. Where a lighting proposal has the potential to have a differential or negative impact on any of the Section 75 groups, an equality screening will be carried out and where necessary and equality impact assessment undertaken.

“Screened Out” - This policy will be applied equally to all staff regardless of their S75 grouping and to all staff whether they are in urban or rural areas



Counter Fraud, Whistleblowing and Anti-Bribery Policy

 The Counter Fraud element covers the prevention, detection and management of fraud and/or corruption and fair dealing in matters pertaining to fraud and / or corruption. It aims to raise the awareness of fraud and its prevention in the Council environment and to give guidance to both the reporting of suspected fraud and how the investigation of that report will proceed. The Whistleblowing element is to promote responsible whistleblowing about issues where the interests of others, including the public, or of the Council itself are at risk. Such issues might include: 

  • A criminal offence;
  • The breach of legal obligation;
  • A miscarriage of justice;
  • Bribery;
  • Negligence;
  • Financial impropriety

The Anti-Bribery element of this policy commits to maintain anti-bribery compliance as ‘business as usual’ rather than as a one-off exercise.




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