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Next Steps

What Happens Next

Going forward the management and delivery of such a complex programme of projects of this scale and value will require a significant step change in terms of governance, staffing and resourcing.

Council will continue to work with its delivery partners to continue with a transparent management and governance system to oversee and report on the processes. The partners will continue to demonstrate value for money and work with the relevant Government departments to secure approval of Full Business Cases.

Promotional collateral including drawings and visuals to help create awareness and engagement among the public, the private sector and support partners are currently being progressed.

A strong emphasis on climate change mitigation and sustainability will remain at the forefront of this and all the City Deal projects going forward.

All of the OBCS are being submitted to Government ahead of the next stage of the process which is the Financial Deal which it is anticipated will be achieved by summer 2024.


HoT Launch Event


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