Kids Summer Camps dates are finally here!
Please see below for enrolment information.
Please note these are extremely busy every year, so book early early. Booking details are included below.
Online booking for all summer camps at Foyle Arena, Melvin Sports Complex and Templemore Sports Complex are now open.
Summer Camps 2024
Foyle Arena Summer Camps 2024
Week 1: Mon 1st - Fri 5th July • 10am - 2pm • £30
Week 2: Mon 8th - Thu 11th July • 10am - 2pm • £24
Week 3: Mon 15th - Fri 19th July • 10am - 2pm • £30
Week 4: Mon 22nd - Fri 26th July • 10am - 2pm • £30
Week 5: Mon 29th July - Fri 2nd August • 10am - 2pm • £30
Week 6: Mon 5th - Fri 9th August • 10am - 2pm • £30USE CODE: FASC when booking
Melvin Sports Complex Summer Camp
Week 1: Mon 8th - Thu 11th July 10am - 2pm • £24
Week 2: Mon 22nd - Fri 26th July • £30
Week 3: Mon 12th - Fri 16th August • £30
USE CODE: MSCSC when booking
Templemore Sports Complex Summer Camps 2024
Week 1: Mon 1st - Fri 5th July • 10am - 2pm • £30
Week 2: Mon 8th - Fri 12th July • 10am - 2pm • £30
Week 3: Mon 15th - Fri 19th July • 10am - 2pm • £30
Week 4: Mon 22nd - Fri 26th July • 10am - 2pm • £30
Week 5: Mon 29th July - Fri 2nd August • 10am - 2pm • £30
Week 6: Mon 5th - Fri 9th August • 10am - 2pm • £30USE CODE: TSCSC when booking
Summer Camps
Summer Camps - Booking Instructions
Please note booking instructions below:
Booking Children’s Activities and Courses just got easier!
Kids can now be added under a parent/guardian online account, allowing you to book them into activities such as summer camps, swimming lessons and gymnastics from the comfort of your own home, without having to visit or call the centre.
To get started, you simply need to register by completing these 4 easy steps:
1. Click the following link log in to your account and select parent portal or create new membership if you do not have a membership. Once logged on to your account choose “Manage Family Members” link to add family/children to your account.
2. Call your home centre that you use and ask for your child’s/children’s membership number, we will require you to confirm a few details to validate your child, including child’s name, date of birth, address etc.
3. If your child has not previously attended any activities then you can register them on the parent portal as a new addition
4. Click ‘Add existing contact’ for kids already registered you will be asked to confirm membership number and personal details, or ‘Create new contact’ if kids have not booked before
If you are not currently registered for our online services you can join now on the link above and follow the steps outlined above.
Please note you must have an online account to book a place online. If you do not have an account please call the centre of the Summer Camp you’re looking to book and they will help you.
Summer Camps - Information for Parents
Summer Camps 2024
The Sports Development team will be delivering a range of sports/activities and competitions during the Summer Camp scheme and hope your child/children will enjoy participating and meeting new friends.
To ensure smooth running of the schemes please be advised of the following:• The scheme runs from 10am to 2pm each day.
• Children must be signed in by a parent/guardian in the morning and signed out in the afternoon. Parents/Guardians must inform staff if anyone other than parent/guardian will be picking up your child.
• Children must be left off and picked up at correct times each day.
• Children should not bring mobile phones to the scheme. If they are needed for contact /emergency purposes we ask can they be left with a coach each morning.
• If your child will be arriving late in the mornings or needs picked up earlier in the day you must notify the summer scheme co-ordinators on that day so they can make the necessary arrangements.
• Can children bring a small snack/packed lunch each day. Children will break for a lunch around 12noon . If possible could children bring water as opposed to sugary drinks. Please note no foods containing nuts are allowed as we have children with severe nut allergies participating in our schemes
• Children should wear trainers and clothing that allow them to take part in physical activities. We will also be outdoors so please bring gear in case of unpredictable weather.
• Parents should make coaches aware of any medications that the child is currently taking. Any medications should be labelled clearly with the child’s name. This includes epi-pens.
If you need to speak to someone during the scheme please contact one of the lead co-ordinators and they will be happy to take your feedback. Alternatively you can contact Ryan Porter on 02871253253 or by emailing [email protected]