The Let’s Get Moving, Let’s Get Started programme aims to integrate physical activity as part of everyday life for our participants through coach-led physical activity sessions as well as providing support and guidance on ways to lead a more healthy and active life. Benefits of taking part in the programme include
- Physical Activity helps to keep our mind and bodies healthy. When we take part in some form of activity, endorphins are released into our bodies; these are powerful chemicals in the brain that energise you and help you feel good
- Regular activity is key to developing strength, coordination and body composition
- Participating in physical activities offers many opportunities. It can be a great way to meet new people or it can give you the opportunity to find some quiet time out from everyday life
- Leading an active life can help boost your self-esteem and improve your confidence.
- It can help you feel valued – and value yourself
- Regular structured activity that you enjoy assists you achieving goals giving you a sense of purpose
The programme will be 8 week long and each week will consist of two physical activity sessions and information sessions. These sessions will provide participants the opportunity to increase your weekly levels of activity and to get you thinking about making healthy choices by providing you with the information you need to do it
On week 1, 4 & 8 our coaches will carry Health “MOT” Check as part of the programme that will help you stay on track.
The programme is 8 weeks, costs £60 and takes place in Foyle Arena at 10am every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning starting on Monday16 January 2023. Induction takes place at 10am on Friday 12 January 2023.
To sign up call Foyle Arena on 02817376555 or click here