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Summer safety appeal issued by Council

16 May 2024

As the summer fast approaches, and hopefully the better weather, an appeal has been issued to encourage people to be responsible when visiting local parks and green spaces.

With increased numbers of people out and about using the greenway network and visiting local beauty spots, Derry City and Strabane District Council is asking everyone to be mindful of others, avoid littering and not to engage in anti-social behaviour.

Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Councillor Patricia Logue, said that everyone had their part to play: “Our teams are working hard to ensure our parks and public spaces are summer ready and we want everyone to enjoy the benefit of being outdoors and getting more fresh air and exercise. Unfortunately with the good weather, we often see a rise in incidents of anti-social behaviour, which we want to avoid this year as much as possible.

“I would ask people to please use dog bins and rubbish bins where provided, and keep our spaces clean and safe for everyone, particularly young children. Use greenways sensibly and considerately, be aware of other users and that this is a shared space for walkers, cyclists and runners. And please remember that drinking is not allowed in our local parks, as it contributes to anti-social behaviour.”

Chair of the Derry and Strabane Policing and Community Safety Partnership, Councillor Sandra Duffy, also lent her voice to the appeal. “We are all looking forward to a lovely summer and the opportunity to get out and about more. We are blessed with lots of beautiful outdoor areas across the Council area, and we want to keep them that way. I would ask everyone to do their bit to ensure they behave responsibly in our parks, avoid damaging play equipment or engaging in behaviour that will bother other visitors.

“The community safety warden team will be stepping up activity over the summer months to keep these spaces safe, and I would encourage anyone who witnesses any incidents of anti-social behaviour to report them to the PSNI. Let’s all have a safe and enjoyable summer.”

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