Stakeholders invited to public workshops on Glendermott Shared Space Project
25 May 2023

Residents in the Drumahoe, Tullyally and Currynierin areas are being encouraged to attend specially arranged public workshops to share their views on the second phase of the design of the Glendermott Shared Space Project.
The meetings will take place in three separate venues on Wednesday 21st June 2023 and are open to local residents, community groups and stakeholders with an interest in having a public outdoor space in the Waterside. Council is applying for EU Peace Plus funding from the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) that, if successful, will be used to fund parks and outdoor public spaces in the local area.The application will be strengthened if local people are consulted through each phase of the project.
Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Councillor Sandra Duffy, encouraged people to attend the meetings so the project could be tailored to meet their needs.“The overall objective of the Glendermott Shared Space Project is to address community relations and tensions and the impact of the conflict on the area,” she said.
“It aims to regenerate green spaces to create a high quality, well connected, shared space, “It will be an interconnected green shared space for both communities and visitors that is non-contentious and non-sectarian through the regeneration of the lands between Drumahoe, Currynierin and Tullyally.“The second phase of the public consultation will focus on the capital and physical elements of the project to be included in the Masterplan for the area.
“It is important that local people have a say in what the cross-community programmes should look like so I would encourage anyone with an interest in the project to complete the online survey and attend one of the events scheduled for Wednesday June 21st.”
The Peace Plus funding application has two key parts – firstly, the physical creation of a shared public space and secondly, a cross-community participation programme.
Council will take the lead on the physical/capital element (The Masterplan is the design of the Green Infrastructure (GI) shared space) and the cross-community programming and animation of the spaces will be tendered out for delivery by relevant organisations working with local communities.
Communities are encouraged to engage in the process and what goes into the bid for funding will be decided in a co-design process where communities put forward relevant ideas.
In May residents and Stakeholders from Drumahoe, Currynierin and Tullyally attended public workshops to give their opinion and ideas on the types of cross community programmes they would like to see in their communities. Please fill this survey in to show what types of cross community programmes you would like to see delivered in your area.Participants are invited to attend the most relevant and suitable workshop for them and preregistration is not required.
There are three consultation events on Wednesday June 21st.The times and venues are 10.30am – midday: YMCA Drumahoe, 2pm – 3.30pm Currynierin Community Association and 6.30pm – 8pm at Tullyally Community Partnership.
Stakeholders can complete an online survey to show what types of cross community programmes they would like to see delivered in their area at