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New Mayor Barr pledges to work towards “unity, growth and the common good”.

3 June 2024

Derry City and Strabane District Council tonight elected a new Mayor to represent the City and District for the incoming 2024-25, SDLP’s Cllr Lilian Seenoi Barr accepted the Mayoral chain from her predecessor Cllr Patricia Logue at the Council’s Annual General Meeting in the Guildhall.

The new Mayor, who will be supported in her role by the Ulster Unionist Deputy Mayor Alderman Darren Guy, who takes up the position of Deputy Mayor, said she was deeply honoured to represent the city and district and vowed to “lead with ambition to drive real change, ensuring that all voices within our vibrant community are heard and represented.”

She said she was committed to work tirelessly for everyone and would focus her Mayoral year on “unity, growth and the common good” pledging to work to end “poverty, attract investment and support young people to achieve their full potential, create jobs ad advocate for quality affordable housing” whilst also helping to end the long waiting lists for housing, deliver play parks for children and focus on addressing environmental issues.

Outgoing Mayor, Cllr Patricia Logue handing over the Mayoral chain reflected on her busy term and extended her sincere thanks to the people of Derry and Strabane for their friendship and hospitality over the past year. She extended her best wishes and support to the new incoming Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

Newly elected Mayor Barr said she was deeply honoured at being chosen as Mayor and spoke about her journey to becoming First Citizen and of her love and pride of her Maasai heritage, its rich culture and heritage and its strong values around justice and freedom, which she intends to incorporate in everything that she does during her Mayoral term.

Mayor Barr spoke about how she came to Derry back in 2010 in search of safety and a better life and the welcome she has received from the people of Derry. “Since I arrived, Derry has embraced me. It has granted me a family, a community and now, the honour to serve as your First Citizen.” 

Whilst acknowledging she faced some anti-immigrant sentiments and threats, she emphasised that these incidents are in the minority and not reflective of the people of Derry.  She said: “I have witnessed the warmth and kindness of the Derry that I know and have loved with all my heart, through the kindness of strangers and the outpouring of solidarity and support.”

The Foyleside DEA based elected representative said she is committed to working hard for the entire community and being a Mayor for everyone - “one who is accessible and one who will lead with hope.”  She said the green and orange politics were in the past and replaced with a new united community.

Extending a special thanks to her family for all their help and support, Mayor Barr acknowledged the supportive role of her husband and son and wider family circle. She added that a special focus will be placed on raising awareness and funds for her chosen Mayoral charity - BUDS Club, a full-time youth-led educational and developmental youth provision service for young people with disabilities aged between 11 and 25 years of age, that serves young people across the Council area.

She said one of the initiatives she is keen to pursue during her Mayoral year is the setting up of a Mayoral Youth Network designed to inspire young people to assume leadership positions and prioritise their mental health.

Waterside based Alderman Darren Guy accepting his role as Deputy Mayor spoke of his great honour in taking up the position and following in his late father’s footsteps - Alderman Jim Guy - who held the position of Deputy Mayor on three occasions and Mayor on two occasions of the former Derry City Council. He said it was regretful that there will be no Unionist Mayor of the city and district during the current four-year term but pledged that he remains committed to working closely with everyone to represent the people of the Council area and to overcome any challenges that lay ahead.

Mayor Barr in her closing speech pledged: “It is our time to build a more inclusive, prosperous, and vibrant Derry City and Strabane District Council, under the banner of unity and progressive change. Thank you for your trust, your time, and your support. Together let’s embrace our differences and build a new future together.”

A delegation of leaders from Kenya, including representatives of the Senate, the National Assembly of Kenya, Governors, and the Kenyan Ambassador to the UK attended the AGM to show their support for Mayor Barr.

The meeting was broadcast live on Council’s Youtube channel where it can be watched back.

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