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Mayor extremely grateful for significant contribution to her chosen charities from Millennium Forum

16 May 2024

The Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council has expressed her sincere gratitude to the staff at the Millennium Forum for their significant donation to her chosen charities.

Mayor Patirica Logue welcomed the staff into the Guildhall this week for a special reception to acknowledge the fantastic fundraising efforts from this year’s Christmas Panto sales.

A total of £15,235.80 was raised and donated to the Mayor’s two charities, The Foyle Hospice and The Ryan McBride Foundation.

“I would like to extend my absolute thanks to all the staff at the Millennium Forum for their incredible donation to my chosen charities this year. Their efforts to support my fundraising goals while in my year of office have been fantastic and I am extremely grateful.

“Raising money for these two local charities has been my number one goal while in office as Mayor and I am extremely thankful for donations like these that will ultimately help me reach my goal and therefore help these charities continue to provide the brilliant work and services that they do within our own local communities.”

David McLaughlin, Chief Executive of the Millennium Forum, said they were delighted to contribute to the Mayor’s charities.

“We were thrilled to be welcomed into the Mayor’s Parlour this week to hand over the cheque for over £15,000 which will go towards the Mayor’s fundraising efforts for her chosen charities this year. The Foyle Hospice and The Ryan McBride Foundation are two brilliant local charities which we are so happy to be supporting.

“We had a record-breaking panto season with our production of Jack and the Beanstalk, welcoming in excess of 30,000 people into the theatre over the festive period. We are always very grateful to our loyal customers who have chosen to make their Christmas memories with us and donate to such worthy causes as the Mayor’s Charities. We would like to extend our thanks to everyone who came along, supported the production and donated to these fantastic causes.”

Monies were raised for the Mayor’s charities from theatre patrons throughout this year’s Panto Season, when the Theatre put on a festive production of Jack and the Bean Stalk.

If you would like to donate to the Mayor’s charities, please visit

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