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Construction works to commence on Harbour Square next week

27 June 2024

The commencement of the Harbour Square Public Realm Project, to include the installation of the Factory Girls Sculpture, will commence next week - 01 July - at Harbour Square in Derry’s city centre.


Supported by the Department for Communities and Derry City and Strabane District Council, this exciting project is set to transform the Harbour Square, Custom House Street, Guildhall Street, Whittaker Street, and Foyle Embankment off Derry’s city centre and riverfront area. Works will take place over the summer months and is currently programmed to be completed by winter 2024.


The initial phase one works will include the erection of site hoarding to close off the site and the public are being advised that to facilitate these works there will be some disruption for pedestrians with the closing off of sections of the Harbour Square footpath with one section remaining open to allow two way access for pedestrians crossing from the peace bridge onto Harbour Square who then can continue to the left and walk around the perimeter of the site as normal towards the Guildhall.

This approach will be revised during phase two of the works when pedestrians will be directed to the completed paths to the right side of the Site coming off the peace bridge.


Members of the public accessing the Guildhall will be advised to use the front door entrance while those using Harbour House will be directed to use the side door entrance. There will be signage across the site and arrangements are in place to facilitate deliveries and anyone with additional accessibility requirements wishing to access either premise.


A key element of the public realm project is the installation of the Factory Girls Artwork to celebrate local shirt factory workers and the important role they played in the city and district’s cultural, heritage and economic history. The public artwork will be incorporated as part of a wider public realm redevelopment of the Square.


The sculpture, created by artist Chris Wilson, consists of three bell shaped forms with nighttime illumination. The design is based on the shapes of spools of thread as used in the shirt factory. An exact date for when the artwork will be placed within the site has not yet been set but it is envisaged it will be done at the final states of the public realm works.


Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council Cllr Lilian Seenoi Barr welcomed the commencement of the works and is looking forward to seeing the factory girls’ sculpture being installed and the works completed.


She said: “I am delighted to see works on this project starting and look forward to the installation of a new public artwork celebrating the contribution that our factory girls have made to this City and District. These public realm works will set the way for our wider vision for the regeneration Central Riverfront planned as part of the City Deal. The creation of public realm featuring the Factory Girls artwork linking the historical core of the city to the riverfront area.”


She also encouraged the public to adhere to the signage that will be erected across the site and to co-operate with the contractors carrying out the works. She said every effort is being made to minimise disruption to the public.

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