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Dog Licences



All dogs, with the exception of guide dogs, must have a valid licence. Before you get a dog or a puppy you MUST get a licence for it. It is against the law not to. A puppy that stays with its mother must have a licence by the age of six months.

It should be noted that since April 2012 it is no longer possible to licence a dog without including a valid microchip number for your dog. Microchipping is a simple, safe modern identification method which is permanent and can't be removed, so even if someone steals your dog we can still trace it by its microchip.

Dogs must also wear an identity disc or tag, stating the owner's name, address and contact telephone number.


You can obtain a dog licence at the Environmental Health Department, Level 5, Derry City and Strabane District Council, 98 Strand Road, BT48 7NN or Dog Control, Derry City and Strabane District Council, 47 Derry Road, Strabane, BT82 8DY.

Alternatively an application can be posted out on request or downloaded using the links below. The completed form should be returned to the address above, with your cheque or postal order. You are now also able to complete your dog licence application through our online service.



Apply Online


Dog Licence Application Form

New Dog Licence Fees as from 3rd October 2011

Fees and Concessions


Over 65
(eligible for a free licence – first or only dog)


Over 65
(second or more dog)


Receipt of an income-related benefit (Income Support or Housing Benefit)


Sterilised/Neutered Dog


Normal Licence


Block Licence


NOTE:  The information given may be subject to checks.




A dog’s licence offers some proof of ownership. Under the Dogs (NI) Order 1983 as amended, it is a legal requirement that anyone in possession of a dog must hold a valid licence. As the details of dog owner and dog are officially registered with the Council, each owner who registers his or her dog with their local Council is issued with a licence. Owners are reminded that their dog must wear a collar with an identity disc or tag attached to it.  This tag or disc must state the owner`s name, address and contact telephone number.


Licensing is considered to be an integral part of responsible dog ownership. The owner of an unlicensed dog may be issued with a £75 fixed penalty notice or prosecuted in court.  The payment of a fixed penalty notice discharges any liability to conviction for that offence.  In court the maximum penalty on conviction for keeping or taking possession of a dog without a licence is £1000. Anyone selling or giving another person a dog without ensuring that the other person has a licence also commits an offence (maximum penalty fine £1000).   

Also See

Toxocara – The Facts


Environmental Health Department
Derry City and Strabane District Council  
98 StrandRoad,

Derry Strabane
BT48 7NN
Tel: 028 71253253

Dog Control
Derry City and Strabane District Council
47 Derry Road
BT82 8DY
Tel: 028 71253253



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